Manage WhatsApp Journey Versions
When designing the flow in WhatsApp Journey, you can use versions to freeze and publish the journey up to you have created.
1. Go to Journey -> Journeys
2. Select the Journey which you want to create the version and click Manage tab.
3. Click Create Version button. Enter the description for a version and enter Yes button.
4. Now, a copy of journey will be saved under Manage section with version number.
5. You can Revert any version to development environment again to develop by clicking Revert to this Revision.
How to Publish the Journey to Pre-prod and Prod
Here, you can publish the journey to pre-prod and prod by selecting the version which you have created.
1. Select the version which you want to publish and click Publish button.
2. The selected version will be moved to pre-prod environment.
3. Or, you can also move the version to pre-prod by navigating to Publish -> Journey. In Versions Column, click icon -> Move to Pre-Prod and click Submit button.
Info! The journey can be moved from dev to pre-prod and then to production environment.
4. Publish the selected journey to production environment by clicking Move to Prod in Pre-Prod Column and click Submit.
WhatsApp Journey Execution Logs